User Reviews About Chicco Keyfit 30 Car Seat

The Chicco Keyfit 30 is a proof that Chicco cares about the safety of your child. There are some things you just can’t compromise with. Infant car seats are one of them.

Even you know that you won’t hesitate to buy the best or think about budget while buying a car seat for your most precious.

And there are different models of infant seats to pick from that can drive you crazy.

Don’t worry, leave that up to us.

Well, if I have an infant to carry on board I’d certainly go with the Keyfit 30. The following Chicco Keyfit 30 review will answer the question.

In the following reviews we worked really hard to extract out only the most accurate information about the product. We filtered, checked and cross-checked all info.

We couldn’t only be satisfied with the information, so we had the product checked by our experts. Then we also talked to parents who’ve used this seat. Then we were able to submit this review in our website.

We hope that our effort turns out to be successful by helping you in giving a complete understanding of this baby seat. Here’s the Chicco Keyfit 30 review for you.

Chicco Keyfit 30 Review

Before we begin, I’d like to clarify that, The Keyfit 30 is the most decorated and best infant car seat. Its safety and compatibility has helped to reach that height of popularity. It has the basic requirements of an infant car seat fulfilled generously. The interior of the seat is lined with foam that absorbs energy that generates during an impact.

Yes these are pretty common and you probably know about these. But even after that there should be an analysis of the basic features. To begin with, The Chicco Keyfit 30 weights 21lbs.

Sounds heavy?

Yes, it is a bit heavy. Moms will easily get tired if they have to carry it by their hand and with the child inside. Sometimes it feels difficult for the dads too. Carrying 30 lbs of weight and walking around is never to be a pleasing thing.

The weight is an issue as there are products in the market that weights 12 lbs. But you should not compromise with the safety for weight as heavier products are way safer than the less weighting ones. Instead you can use a stroller and leave all the hassles behind.

The dimension of this child seat is 17 by 24 by 22 inches. It doesn’t mean that the seat is not too narrow neither too wide. Although the height is a bit lower, the depth is okay. As this seat can only house a kid up to its 30 lbs weight line, the dimensions are quite reasonable.

Now let’s come to weigh limit. A Chicco Keyfit 30 has the capability of housing newborns weighing from just 4 lbs. It has a dedicated child insert section what allows comfortable positioning of the smallest angels.

The top limit is 30 lbs. It may not seem enough for you as there are some popular products with capacity of 35 lbs. But as an infant seat a 30 lbs maximum weight capacity isn’t too bad. Better, you get to move your child to a top convertible car seat for small cars sooner and provide more safety and comfort.

First of all, we have to say that like all the other infant seats this infant seat comes with a five point harness. The harness has a special feature to it. It can be tightened with a single pull.

Every infant seat deserves a canopy. Little children are more sensitive to sunlight. So, to protect them from direct sunlight a canopy is really important. Like all other infant seats Keyfit 30 also comes with a canopy and its problems of not opening up properly or breaking down easily. That’s why it should be used carefully.

The Chicco Keyfit 30 is so easy to manage that even a single handed person can effortlessly set the base inside the car, place the seat on the base and secure the child inside it.

It has an advanced design to ensure proper balancing. The ReclineSure and RideRight leveling bubbles on both sides help you to ensure that your seat is sitting flat on your car’s seat.

Well, you probably be wondering why balancing is so important. It’s because the well balanced an infant seat is, the better safety it provides. A properly positioned seat will tightly sit on the seat and leave a little room for any kind of movement of the base.

The seat comes in different colors what looks cool and modern too. Another great benefit of this best travel car seat is that, it’s very easy to install and remove. The part that sits on the seat of your car and locks in the actual baby seat has a lot of springs in it to support your child.

The surface of it is smooth enough to be harmless for your car seat. Rather, it fits almost all American cars. The seat has harness of five points that could be tightened with a one pull tightener. Here’s an overview of the product’s review concerning the Compatibility, Safety and Quality & Design.

  • Safety Feature:

You can never compromise with your child’s safety. Chicco products come with the promise of safety with them. It is unquestionable as the Keyfit 30 comes in your hand after a lot of tests like drop, crash and many more. The cushion or foam inside the seat is extremely safe to tolerate immense impact.

Your child remains well protected with the super cinch and infant insert bindings. Your precious child can sit tight inside the seat. You don’t have to worry when you hit any bumps or cracks in the road. Your baby will barely feel anything. If you look up user reviews on the internet you’ll find that many babies came out unharmed from car crash because of this infant seat.

Do I have to say anything more about its safety? Guess not.

  • Compatibility:

The Chicco Keyfit 30 is compatible to almost every car seat. Even accommodate vehicles without latch. The seat comes with a removable base. You can easily take the seat and baby out without unplugging the base from the seat. It makes this seat very much portable. The Seat can house newborn babies to babies weighing up to 30 lbs. Your baby doesn’t gain 30 lbs of weight that easily.

So, it can use the baby seat for a long time. The design of the seat is very intelligent too. You can unplug and carry the seat single handed.

If you think that you have to walk around with your child in the mall or park you can just take the seat out and place it on stroller like Keyfit. It’s a direct fit. This much compatibility is very rare in the trending baby seats in the market.

  • Quality & Design:

In terms of quality and design the Chicco Keyfit 30 Infant Car Seat stands apart from all the other baby seats in the market. Not only safety was taken care of, but good looks and utility were also introduced in the product. The portability and compatibility of it reflects the quality. The seat can be carried and detached in a single hand.

This feature is really handy. The base is so well constructed that it adapts with the seat of your car. The whole thing is waterproof and washable. The design is so flawless that it tends to minimize all your efforts and hassle.


  • The base design is different from all the other baby seats. It can suit most of the car seats.
  • The single hand using capability and wide range of compatibility of the product.
  • Not built only for cars, but also for airplanes, stroller, buses and trains.
  • Washable and heavy duty product. The cushion inside doesn’t absorb liquid and provides maximum support on impacts.
  • Multi-functional canopy. Just canopy alone can worth most of the $$$ you spend behind the infant seat.


  • When kept locked inside your child may sweat during long journey in summer.
  • Weights a little bit more from other baby seats.

Customer Feedback:

We did extensive research on customer feedback from various sources and we’ve personally discussed about their experience with the Chicco Keyfit 30. Now we’d like to compile those noteworthy points here.

This type of information is important for you because they give you a proper knowledge about the product’s experience. You should always pay an importance to the customer feedback of the product before buying them.

A product may have many colorful features and it may be made of great quality but it’s nothing if it can’t prove itself practically.

Here are the top issues that had been drawn out from the customer feedback,

  • First of all it’s a satisfactory product. Most parents are happy with it. They don’t have any serious issues of the seat. According to them the seat never seemed uncomfortable to the child.
  • The price could be an issue for some parents as all parents aren’t capable enough to provide the child safety seat for their child. They bring the thought under consideration that they have to buy other things like strollers and all that.

That’s why buying the Chicco Keyfit 30 can be a problem for some parents. Where there are decent infant seats available in the market with half the price and larger capacity. But we must remind you that, with the extra money you pay you will certainly get a safer and more durable infant seat.

  • The Chicco Keyfit 30 has successfully survived some major accidents. You will find about them if you do a little digging in the internet. It’s an indication that the Keyfit can ensure safety in practical situations.
  • Issues with the canopy are really common in infant seats. It’s an extra feature that protects the child from the sun’s deadly rays and direct sunlight.

Here is a list of problems that you may have to face if you go with the Chicco Keyfit 30…

  • Jamming of the canopy while sliding it out or sliding it in.
  • The canopy is not hard enough. So, it may crack if too much pressure is applied on it.
  • The locking mechanism of the canopy wears out fast.

Well these problems can easily be avoidable if you use an extra shade on your car windows. While you take this best car seat inside a stroller it won’t cause too much troubles though. As most of the strollers are well equipped with fully functioning canopy.

  • Something should be improved by the manufacturer. And that is their customer support. If you are someone expecting good communication skills, help, support, and advantages from the customer support, you won’t have too much of luck.

But the seat is built with a good quality and very few products have been reported to be faulty on arrival. So, you don’t need very much help from the customer support.

  • Some children sweat a lot. As we’ve found out that most parents didn’t find any sweating issues of their child and some children have drenched their back with perception. So, the material of the seat cover doesn’t have anything to do with this.
  • All the parents are really happy with the installation of the Chicco Keyfit 30. Its completely hassle free comparing with the other infant seats. Inserting and placing the child is comparatively easier and there are almost no issues of the straps jamming.

Final Overview:

We think that things have been cleared for you. We always here for you help your baby seat purchase easy. Sorting out the best car seat for your child is never an easy thing.

But we’ve broken everything about the Chicco Keyfit 30 in front of you. Now, the first thing as our final overview is that it is a great product with higher ratings. There aren’t any serious problems that you will face with this.

If you are ready to spare then, it should be a great product for you. Ultimately, it’s the best buy in the market. Really, you will understand that your every penny is worth it. The seat is safe and reliable for your child and comfortable for your use.

After talking with parents who own this baby seat and reading almost all the reviews I’ve found that it’s the best ever Infant seat that you can buy for your precious. Or you can just gift it to your dear ones. There’s no worth mentioning drawback of this product.  The Chicco Keyfit 30 is the best baby seat that money can buy.

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